Proft Genealogy
Grandfather Franz (Frank Sr.) PROFT Family Picture Chart Page
Joseph Frank Proft Family Page
Lawrence Proft
January 21, 1900 - February 14, 1973
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image of person above or on the links below for their individual respective web
Adolph, Josephine,
Clara, Frank,
Joseph Frank Proft - Family Page
Lawrence Proft lived for 73 years, 24 days or a total of 26,687 days
Born: Sunday January 21, 1900 in Merrill, Wisconsin
Lincoln County Birth Record Vol 2 - #1272 indicates Lawrence J. Proft, white male born to Joseph F. Proft, occupation "factorywork" and Bertha Harter January 21, 1900, reported by Jos. Proft residing in Antigo, Wis. Others in household were listed and spelled as Winnie, Frank, Walter Adolph, Herbert, Clara, Mildred. ***It should be noted that the date of registration of this record is listed as May 7, 1937 and other information line indicates May 10, 1937. This would explain the others in household that were born after Lawrence and the missing Josephine who died 11-6-1921. Perhaps it was Clara that provided the information for this record.
Lawrence (Laurentios) was baptized Sunday, Feb 18, 1900 at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, Merrill, WI as recorded in Baptismal Register Index 1896-1906, Page 96.
(click on image for the original photo)
First Communion - Herbert, Walter and Lawrence Proft
Lawrence is 5 years old during the 1905 Wisconsin Census
As a child Lawrence would have gone to Merrill's 6th Ward School
Click to Enlarge
The 6 Proft Brothers
Lawrence's residence during the 1920 Census, he enlisted in the Marines August of this year
Corporal Lawrence J. Proft, U.S.M.C
Lawrence enlisted in the Marine Corp August 20, 1920. He served in Santo Domingo, DR as an auto mechanic. He also served stateside in Boston and New York. He was discharged August 19, 1922. Some of his unit's monthly Muster Rolls are transcribed below.
August 20, 1920 Enlisted. Battalion A Marine Barracks, Training Station, Paris Island S.C.
September 1920, Battalion A Marine Barracks, Training Station, Paris Island. 28 Qual SS Army Course, SS Badge. tar, 1920 del.
October 1920, Battalion A Marine Barracks, Training Station, Paris Island S.C. 12, to 2nd Prov. Brigade Santo Domingo, DR
November 1920, Supply Company, Third Regiment, Santo Domingo City DR. 1-21 SD Post Garage. 22-30 Detached duty, Third Regiment Training Camp..
January 1921, 1 31 SD, auto mehanic. Regt. 1 QM Dept. 7- Prm to the rank of Pvt 1st Class. Auth Regtl Comdr's letter dated 7 Jan 21.
April 1921, Supply Company, Third Regiment, Santo Domingo City DR. SD Auto Mechanic
December 1921, Marine Detachment, Receiving Ship at Boston, Hingham, Mass. 9 jd by tr fr Guard Co.,MB,NYD, Norfolk Va.
January 1922, Receiving Ship at Boston, Hingham, Mass. 5 failing to take proper steps to quell a disturbance in a conveyance fr Boston to Hingham, Mass, for Awd. 30 day restriction.
March 1922 1 to 10 sick present, Art 554 MR does not apply.
April 1922 Marine Detachment, Receiving Ship at Boston, Hingham, Mass.
June 1922 Marine Detachment Receiving Ship at New York, NY. 15-24 on furlough Auth CO.
July 1922 Marine Detachment, Receiving Ship at Boston, Hingham, Mass.
August 1922 Marine Detachment, Receiving Ship at Boston, Hingham, Mass. Corporal, Discharged, 19 expiration of enlistment, character excellent.
Lawrence is staying in Flint, Michigan while employed as a machine operator at an auto factory.
April 19, 1930 Census - Lawrence is boarding at 2213 Correnna Rd, Flint, Michigan
1930 Census - Susie is living back home with her parents in Minnesota along with her children
1940 Sixteenth US Census Lawrence Excerpt
Lawrence is separated from wife Susie and is residing with his brother Frank at 3815 North 38th Street, Milwaukee, WI
1940 Sixteenth US Census Susie and Children Excerpt
Wife Susie and children are residing at 736 Edmund Street, Flint, MI, upper flat, the Tolbert family are residing in the lower flat.
Flint, Michigan - City Directory Excerpts 1932 - 1945
1932 Proft, Lawrence J. (Susie M), auto worker, 1126 Decker
1938 Proft, Lawrence (Sue), auto worker, 1909 Ohio Ave.
1942 Proft, Lawrence B. student, 935 Ossington Ave.
1942 Susie M., clerk, Hurley Hospital
1945 Proft, Sue, Hurley Hospital Map Location Hurley Hospital
1941 Milwaukee City Directory Excerpt Page 928
Lawrence is residing at 3216 W. Juneau Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1956 Denver, CO City Directory Page 1150 Excerpt 3042 W.
24th Ave.
Lawrence, and his nephew's Sherman and Roy, , Jake Anderson (friend of Roy's) of Merrill and ?
Fishing expedition results from somewhere near Minocqua
1960 Denver, CO City Directory Page 1105 Excerpt 3042 W.
24th Ave.
1960, Denver, Co. City Business Directory Page 325
Excerpt 4398 Elati St
? - Herbert, Lawrence - ?, and Winnie
Herbert, Lawrence and Winnie
Lawrence died Wednesday February 14, 1973 in Denver, Colorado
Buried: Fort Logan National Cemetery Denver, Denver County, Colorado || Proft, Lawrence J, b. 01/21/1900, d. 02/14/1973, CORP USMC, Plot: Q 4145 approx GPS N39:38.900 W105:02.991, bur. 02/20/1973
2nd wife Elizabeth A. Proft born 10/15/1907 died 6/11/2003 is buried at the same location.
Lawrence Bruce (Buddy) PROFT (b. 1-20-1925 Grand Rapids,
MN; d.8-1-1943 Flint, MI), Phillip Warren PROFT (b.5-1-1927, d.4-28-1994), Raymond Eugene PROFT (b. 4-21-1929, d.1-14-1931),
James Edward PROFT (b.10-31-1931 Hill City, MN; d.3-16-1979 Santa Rosa, CA),
Patricia Ann PROFT (b.1934)
There are conflicting opinions as to identities of the persons pictured above and the Cub Scout below.
Please email me with your certainty or guess.
Lawrence Bruce (Buddy) PROFT
Grandma Fannie Anderson and Mother Susie Proft
Lawrence, Patricia, Phil and Jim
1937 - Flint, Michigan
Click on image to enlarge
Patricia, Phillip, Lawrence (Buddy) Proft
Click on image to enlarge
Jim and Judy Proft's California house April 1969
January 20, 1925 - August 1, 1943
Lawrence Jr. (Buddy)
and his mother Susie
Click on image for full size picture
Buried in Sunset Hills and River Rest Cemeteries
Phillip Warren
May 1, 1927 - April 28, 1994
Phillip's Baby Picture Phillip and Elsie Proft Family
Raymond was born in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. He died in Flint, Michigan and is buried in Sunset Cemetery - Flint, Michigan next to his brother Lawrence (Buddy) Jr. In Section 1, Lot W-83, Graves 1-5
Buried in Google Map - Sunset Hills and River Rest Cemeteries
James Edward PROFT
October 31, 1931 - March 16, 1979
Jim and Judy Wedding Engagement Article Jim and Judy Wedding Shower Article Jim and Judy Wedding Newspaper Article Click on images below to enlarge
Google Map - Santa Rosa Memorial Park Santa Rosa Memorial Park Website
Patrica Ann PROFT
Born in 1934
Patricia and friend Shirley in 1946
(Click on image to enlarge)
Patricia's husband of 49 years
Mickey Lewis
Click on image for Mickey's April 13, 2005 published Obituary
Patricia Ann (Proft) Lewis
| Obituary - Ukiah Daily Journal, July 5, 2020 |