Proft Genealogy
Father Franz (Frank Sr.) PROFT Family Picture Chart Page
Anton Leonard BURGAN
Sunday, July 13, 1873 - Sunday, February 17, 1935
Anton lived for 61 years, 7 months, 4 days or 22,498 days
Anton was 7 years old when he made the December 1881 voyage to America with his new family
Step Father: Frank Proft Mother: Katherine
Step siblings: Frank, Joseph, Wenzel, Paul Sr., Anton, August (Gus), Adolph, Maria, Emma (1/2 sister), William (1/2 brother)
Anton Leonard BURGAN was born July 13, 1873 in southern Prussia or northern Bohemia. He was the only child of John and Catherina (Nenthanl) BURGAN. When Anton was one year old in 1874 his father John BURGAN was killed while performing his employment duties as a Depot Agent . Anton's mother Catherina was not a widow for long. On October 24, 1875 she married a recent widower, Franz PROFT from Drahobuz, Bohemia. Anton "Tony" BURGAN, now had a stepfather (Franz PROFT) along with 8 step siblings. This family would grow even larger after a Bohemian marriage between his mother Catherina and stepfather Franz PROFT conceived two more children, daughters Emma born in 1874 and Fanni born in 1881. Shortly after the birth of Fanni the family decided to leave Bohemia for America. Perhaps the family decision to immigrate to America was partially influenced by letters received from Anton's stepbrothers Franz Jr. and Karl PROFT, whom had made the voyage earlier on the SS Main and arrived in New York, July 30, 1880.
In the early part of December 1881 Anton BURGAN, along with eight of his PROFT family members left Drahobuz, Bohemia for the Port of Bremen, Germany. They boarded the SS Ohio Steamship along with 955 other passengers. The approximate 2 week westbound voyage on the Atlantic Ocean would claim the lives of eight passengers. There is speculation that Anton's 3 month old 1/2 sister "Fanni" might have been one of those eight souls that perished, since no documentation has been located about her since. The SS Ohio arrived at the Locust Point Immigration facilities in Baltimore, Maryland on December 21, 1881.
After completion of the immigration process at Baltimore Harbor the family most likely would have taken the Baltimore Ohio Railroad to Chicago and Milwaukee, then connected to the Central Wisconsin Railroad and eventually reaching their final train stop at Wausau, Wisconsin and their final destination, a farm near Athens, Wisconsin.
In 1884, while living and working on the family farm Anton would gain another sibling, his 1/2 brother William PROFT. Four years later in 1898, at age 25, he left the family farm to become one of the earliest pioneers in Wabeno, Wisconsin (formerly part of the Township of Cavour, Forest County). That same year he returned home and married Alvina Ewan, November 30, 1898 in Dorchester, Clark County Wisconsin. His new bride remained in the Athen's area with family for the birth of their first child while Anton returned to Forest County to become more settled in for a new life in Wabeno. It is believed that Anton's Wabeno employment began at a local hotel working as a cook.
September 14, 1899 Anton traveled back home to the farm for a brief visit two days after the birth of his first child John. A month later in October, Anton partnered with Adolph Rusch to lease the ground floor of the Exchange Hotel. Together they started a meat market business. This business would eventually expand to include groceries and general merchandise. Anton was becoming a prominent member of the Wabeno community, first as a businessman, Justice of the Peace and eventually a School Board member.
The June 1900 US Census for the Township of Cavour indicated that Anton, his wife Alvina, and infant son John were next door neighbors to Anton's 1/2 sister Emma (PROFT) Hinzman's family. Coincidently a few years earlier, April 27, 1896 in Dorchester, Wisconsin his 1/2 sister Emma had been married to William Hinzman by Frank Nagel, who was the same Justice of the Peace that performed the marriage ceremony for Alvina and Anton.
Life seemed to be happy, good and prosperous for Tony Burgan when tragedy struck April 15, 1902. His 22 year old wife Alvina died nine days after giving birth to their daughter Alvina. Alvina had a well attended funeral. Many of Proft's traveled to Wabeno and attended the funeral.
A little more than 2 years later, on December 1, 1904 Tony would marry again to another girl from the same home farm area southwest of Athens, Wisconsin. Her name was Emma Ludwig, a widow from the Township of Johnson in Marathon County. This marriage took place in the Athen's area, however the family remained Wabeno, Wisconsin residents. Emma had a 10 year son named Albert Ludwig with her first husband.. It was believed that Anton adopted Albert, since city directory listings had indicated his last name as "Burgan" and not "Ludwig". However Stepson Albert's obituary indicates his last name as Ludwig.
In August of 1906 A.L. Burgan & Co. sold out the business to the Wabeno Mercantile Company.
A.L. Burgan's family would leave Wabeno and is recorded in the 1910 US Census as living in the Village of Gillete. They are living on Kasten Street in that village. Tony's occupation is listed as "Saloon Keeper". In June of 1911 the family relocated to Green Bay, Wisconsin. Anton became the proprietor of the Hotel St. Paul. In March of 1914 he was working as a salesman for J.M. Braun Liquor Company of Appleton, Wisconsin. Later in the 1920's he had a commercial automobile franchise. In the 1930's he is now living in Chicago and his occupation is listed as a traveling salesman for Oxidite Battery Company.
He died February 17, 1935, 1:15 A.M. at his 904 W.Lawrence Ave,
Cook County IL apartment of a coronary occlusion, A death record has been located for him.
He was buried in Rienzi Cemetery Section F, Lot 85, Empire Township, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin
with his 2nd wife Emma nee Zander "Ludwig" and her first husband Robert
Ludwig. Anton has no headstone. Emma was buried October 20, 1946.
Burgan & Co. Anton's Marriage to his First Wife Alvina
The Northern Advertiser Local Logic Column
October 11, 1900
The Northern Advertiser Local Logic
Column October 18, 1900
The Northern Advertiser Local Logic
Column November 1, 1900
The Northern Advertiser
Local Logic Column December 20, 1900
The Northern Advertiser Local Logic
Column May 16, 1901
The Northern Advertiser Local Logic Column
May 23, 1901
The Northern Advertiser Local Logic
Column October 17, 1901
The Northern Advertiser
Page 1 Advertisements began appearing
August 29, 1901
The Northern Advertiser Local Logic
Column November 14, 1901
The Northern Advertiser Local Logic
Column November 28, 1901
The Northern Advertiser
Local Logic Column December 26, 1901
The Northern Advertiser
Local and Personal Column - July 16, 1903
A.L. Burgan returned
Tuesday from a business trip to Athens, Marshfield and Wausau
The Northern Advertiser
Page 1, Column 4 - August 20, 1903
Fred Gaiser of Athens, Wisconsin is in the Village this week
and with A.L. Burgan is taking an inventory of Mr. Burgan's stock of general
merchandise. These two gentleman contemplate forming a partnership in the
mercantile, hotel and wood business under the name, gem and style of A.L. Burgan
& Co.. They will increase the stock $3,000. Mr. Burgan is well
and favorably believed born as a business man of abilities and Mr. Gaiser appreciates
a young man of good business qualities and the two together with increased stock
and capital are sure of success which will net them a handsome yearly income.
The Northern Advertiser
Page 1, Local and Personal Column - September 3, 1903
F.J. Gaiser of the firm of A.L. Burgan & Co. is calling at Wausau and Athens
this week
The Northern Advertiser
Page 1, Column 1 typical advertisement space
March 15, 1906
The Northern Advertiser
Page 1 Column 1 advertisement space
August 30, 1906
Mercantile buys out A.L. Burgan & Co.
The Northern Advertiser
Local and Personal Column - December 27, 1906
Mrs. A..L
Burgan and children are spending the week with relatives and friends at Athens.
The Northern Advertiser
Local and Personal Column - December 27, 1906
Sunday a gold Eagles pin. Finder please return in A.L. Burgan and receive
The Northern Advertiser
Local and Personal Column - January 10, 1907
Mrs. A.L.
Burgan and children returned home Monday after spending the past two weeks at
The Northern Advertiser
Local and Personal Column - December 30, 1910
The Northern Advertiser
Local and Personal Column - June 9, 1911
The Northern Advertiser
Local and Personal Column - September 29, 1911
Grand Plank Hotel Postcard
Former Burgan Store to the left of the hotel
Wabeno Aerial Photo
On the left side of picture the arrow points to the Burgan Store area on
the far eastside of town
The Northern Advertiser
Local and Personal Column - May 31, 1912
and Anton Burgan Wedding Portrait
30, 1898)
Picture submitted by
Annette (née Burgan) Vobora
Great-granddaughter of Anton Leonard Burgan
Anton married Alvina Ewan Wednesday, November 30, 1898 Clark County, Wisconsin who parted him in death April 15, 1902
Clark County Marriage Record Volume 2, Page 235, Record 02938, indicates - 1.) Full name of husband: A. L. Burgen, 2.) Father: John, 3.) Name of mother of husband before marriage: Katharine Burgen, 4.) Occupation of husband: Hotel Clerk, 5.) Residence of husband: Wabeno, 6.) Birthplace of husband: Germany, 7.) Full name of wife: Alvina Ewan, 8.) Name of the father of wife: Edward, 9.) Name of mother of wife before marriage: Hanna, 10.) Birthplace of wife: Germany, 11.) Time when marriage contracted: Nov. 30 1898, 12.) The place, town, township and county where marriage was contracted: Dorchester, 13.) Color of parties: White, 14.) By what ceremony contracted: By the Laws of Wis, 15.) Names of subscribing witnesses: Henry Lieders, Minnie Hagen, 16.) Name of person pronouncing ceremony: Frank Nagel, J.P., 17.) Residence of last person named: Dorchester, Wis, 19.) Date of certificate or affidavit of marriage: Nov. 30, 1898, 19.) Date of Registration: Dec 1 ", Any Additional circumstances:
(click on image to enlarge to full screen size)
AL Burgan & Co., Wabeno, Wisconsin
Anton Leonard Burgan with wife Alvina and son Johnnie
Picture submitted by
Annette (née Burgan) Vobora
Great-granddaughter of Anton Leonard Burgan
Google Map Link - 4553 N. Branch Street A.L. Burgan Store Location | Google Street View Link of former A.L. Burgan Store location
Picture Montage of A. L. Burgan Store location,
(click on the stitched image links below to enlarge and the use
your browser horizontal scroll bar for best viewing)
panoramic stitched aerial photos of Wabeno, Wisconsin, west side of town
looking east,
panoramic stitched aerial photos of Wabeno, Wisconsin, west side of town
looking east
Anton Leonard Burgan Anton married Emma Ludwig December 1, 1904 - Marathon County,
Wisconsin marriage record information below. Marathon County Marriage Record Volume
3, Page 479, Record 00204, indicates - 1.) Full name of husband:
A. L. Burgan, 2.) Father: John, 3.) Name of mother of
husband before marriage: Katherine, 4.) Occupation of husband:
Gen. Merchant, 5.) Residence of husband: Wabeno, Forest Co.
Birthplace of husband: Austria, 7.) Full name of wife:
Mrs. Emma Ludwig, 8.) Name of the father of wife: Luis Zander,
9.) Name of mother of wife before marriage: Emille Zander,
Birthplace of wife: Town Johnson, 11.) Color of parties:
White, 12.) No. and date of license: Nov
24/04, 13.) Time when marriage contracted: 12-1-04,
The place, town, township and county where marriage was contracted: Town of
Johnson, 15.) By what ceremony contracted: Episcopal
Ch, 16.) Names of subscribing witnesses: Ella
Zander, Anna Lehman, John Zander, Ottoe Lehman, 17.) Name of person
pronouncing ceremony: Peter
Schmidt, 18.) Residence of last person named: Town of Johnson, Mar
Co., 19.) Date of certificate or affidavit of marriage: Dec 1.04, 20.)
Date of Registration: Dec 13/04
1910 US Census Oconto County - Village of Gillett -
Kasten Street Burgan, Anton (Head) Age 36 - Immigrated 1883 - Occupation:
Saloon Keeper Burgan, Emma (Wife) Age 35 - Immigrated 1881 Ludwig, Albert (Step Son) Age 16 Burgan, John (Son) Age 10 Burgan, Alvena (Daughter) Age 8 Balger, Herman (Servant?) Age 18 Boholke, Amelia (Servant?) Age 16
Mapquest - Village of Gillett, Wisconsin Oconto County 1900 Twelfth US Census - Forest County -
Town of Cavour Burgan, Anton (Head) Age 26 - Immigrated 1881 - Occupation:
Hotel - Merch Burgan, Alvina (Wife) Age 26 Burgan, Johnnie (Son) Age 8/12 14 boarders that have occupations of day laborer and scaler at
the mill Note: Anton Burgan's family must have been a close neighbor to
his 1/2 sister Emma (PROFT) Hintzman family. Also, the 1900 census has no
" City of Wabeno". The Township of Cavour and Crandon were the
population centers of Forest County at that time. The census also had
"Special Inquiries Relations to Indians" pages which accounted for
Chippewa Tribe population. Mrs. Burgan Laid To Rest Northern Wisconsin Advertiser Thursday April, 17, 1902 Unfortunately the microfilming of the 1900-1909
"Northern Wisconsin Advertiser" newspaper issues were filmed out of
focus. This front page excerpt was a typical edition and this one
contains the obituary of Anton Burgan's first wife of 4 years, Alvina (Ewan).
Also note Anton's weekly front page advertisement for his grocery store
business. Alvina Burgan Mrs. Burgan Laid To Rest
(transcription attempt for illegible obituary above ) Mrs. Alvina Ewan Burgan when death occurred last Tuesday morning of blood
poisoning after nine days of illness was laid in her final resting place in the
Forest Hill
Cemetery last Thursday afternoon in the presence of a large number of sorrowing relatives, friends and neighbors.
The funeral service were held in the German Lutheran Church, Rev Fidlich of Hersable delivering a sermon
in low German and English. The pall bearers were TA Hennely, Paul Newman, Paul
Kupper, Luis Hummall, William Hummall and Plura Jenkins as funeral director.
The floral tributes were many and beautiful. Forest County, Wisconsin Declaration of Deaths Volume 1, Page
0047, Certificate Record #02489 Forest County, Wisconsin Declaration of Deaths Volume 1, Page
0047, Certificate Record #02489 1.) Full name
of deceased: Mrs. Alvina Burgan, 2.)
Maiden name: Alvina Ewan, 3.): Color:
4.) Sex: Female, 5.) Born: German,
6.) Occupation: Mother of Family, 7.)
Age: 22 years 2 mo. 25 days, 8.)
Name of father: Edward Ewan, 9.)
Birthplace of Father: Prussia, 10.) Name of
Mother: Emilia Ewan, 11.) Birthplace of
Mother: Prussia, 12.) Birthplace of
deceased: (Blank), 13.) Name of wife of
deceased: (blank), 14.) Name of husband of
deceased: Anton L. Burgan, 15.)
Date of birth of deceased: Jan 21, 1880,
16.) Condition (single, married or widowed): Married,
17.) Date of death: April 15, 1902,
18.) Residence at time of death: Wabeno Forest Co. Wis,
19.) Cause of Death: Child birth Sapremia, 20.)
Place of Death: Wabeno, 21.) Duration of
disease: 9 days, 9 days, 9 days, 22.) Was the deceased
ever a solider or sailor in the service of the United States?: No,
23.) Place of burial: Wabeno, 24.) Name of undertaker
or other person conducting burial: C . Jecklins, 25.)
Date of certificate: April 16-1902, 26.) , No. burial
permit: 7, 27.) Date of burial
permit: April 16-1902, 28.) Other important facts not
related: Signed Frank Lackneir M.D. 1920 US Census - Anton is listed living at 163 S. Adams St., Green Bay, WI,
His occupation listed as
Commercial Franchise, Automobile 1918 Green Bay City Directory Page 182 Excerpt
1911-1912 Green Bay City Directory, Page 483
1911-1912 Green Bay City Directory, Page 221
1911-1912 Green Bay City Directory, Page 95
Google Maps - 602 S. Broadway St
The Northern Advertiser
Page 1, Local and Personal Column - March 6, 1914
The Northern Advertiser
Page 1, Local and Personal Column - October 30, 1914
The Northern Advertiser
Page 1, Local and Personal Column - January 1, 1915
1914-1915 Green Bay City Directory, Page 180
Mapquest -
721 Chicago St.
1915-1916 Green Bay City Directory, Page 183
1014 Cherry St.
(click on image to enlarge to full screen size)
Anton Leonard Burgan
Family Portrait
(identification of all in this portrait is
Picture submitted by
Annette (née Burgan) Vobora
Great-granddaughter of Anton Leonard Burgan
Published 1913 Biographical Sketch
"History of Brown County Past and Present", excerpts
from pages 484 and 485
S. J. Clarke Publishing, Chicago 1913
January 21, 1880 -
April 15, 1902
N45:27.181 W88:38.018
The church was filled with people and many were unable to get inside. Relatives from around in attendance were Edward Ewan father of deceased and Mrs. Frank
Proft, mother of
Mr. Burgan, both of Corinth, Wisconsin and Joe Proft brother of Mr. Burgan of Lincoln County, Wisconsin.
Mother of deceased being in feeble health was unable to attend to be present at the funeral.
Deceased was 22 years and 2 months at the time of her death. Alvina is survived by her husband and two small children, Johnnie 8 years,
8 months and a little daughter only 9 days old. She was a kind wife and loving mother.
Mrs. Burgan was a faithful and devoted wife loving and fond parent. She was a kind and obliging neighbor, generous and worthy and willing to lend a helpful hand in time of sickness and trouble.
She was highly respected by all that knew her.
Deceased was born in Holmeglen, Germany on January 21, 1880. She came to this country with her parents in when she was 1 year old living first
Hendricks, Pennsylvania and in Corinth, Wisconsin, where her parents have resided.
On November 8, she was married to Anton Burgan at Dorchester, Wisconsin after which they located here where they resided ever since.
Mr. Burgan having his mercantile business in this village, and is one of the leading business men.
1921 Green Bay City Directory Page 211 Excerpt
1923 Green Bay City Directory Page 214Excerpt
1925 Green Bay City Directory Page 183 Excerpt
1928-29 Chicago City Directory Page 683 Excerpt - Anton
- 1252 N Clark John
- 3317 Seminary Ave
**1929 History Side Note** - Anton resided not far from the site of the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre which occured 2-14-1929 at the SMC Cartage Warehouse 2122 N, Clark St.
1930 US Census - Anton is listed living at 1252 N Clark St., Chicago, IL, His occupation listed as Traveling Salesman
The Northern Advertiser - September 14, 1899 - Local Logic
(Apparently Anton left Wabeno and returned home to Corinth see his new
born son John.)
The Northern Advertiser Local Logic Column September 28, 1899
A.L. Burgan returned from Corinth with a smile
as broad as his face. Of course cigars and etes were distributed with generosity.
Success to him, "Tony:"
Anton Leonard
Anton is buried in the Ludwig plot with no headstone . Anton Burgan's Burial Transit Permit Information
Fond du Lac - Rienzi Cemetery Map Print
Robert Ludwig and Emma Zander were married in the Town of Mayville, Clark County Wisconsin September 3, 1892. Robert was a "Brakeman" residing in St. Point, Wisconsin at the time of the marriage. They were residing in North Fond du Lac, WI at the time Robert was killed by a train while working for the railroad. Mapquest - Resided 832 Michigan Ave., N Fond du Lac
Fond du Lac Daily Commonwealth "Killed at Abbotsford" article The Athens Record Article 12/3/1903 "Under The Wheels"
John A. Burgan
Tuesday, September 12, 1899 - Sunday, March 15, 1987
John lived for 87 years, 6 months, 4 days or 31,960 days
Birth Registration Record
Marathon County, Wisconsin Birth Registration Volume 3, Page 479
1.) Full name of child: John A. Burgan, 2.) Color: White, 3.) Sex: Male 5.) Full name of father: Anton L. Burgan, 6.) Occupation of father: Cook, 7.) Alvina Ewan, 8.) Hour, day of week, of month and year of birth: 9.) 12/99, *10.) Birthplace of father: T. Johnson, 11.) Birthplace of mother: Germany *10.) incorrect record entry - should be born in "Prussia"
John's birth year is incorrect on this WWI draft registration form. He was born Sept 12, 1899. Looks like John registered for the Selective Service on his 19th birthday, Sept 12, 1918, a year later than required. Could this be the reason why his date of birth was listed as 1900 instead of 1899? WWI ended a month later November 11, 1918. He was employed as a "Carsmith" for the Chicago Milwaukee.& St. Paul Railroad.
1930 US Census - John, wife Annette and son Earl is listed as living at 3242 Seminary., Chicago, IL, his occupation listed as Battery Shop Repairman
John Burgan
January 15, 1903 - December 21, 1978
Annette Burgan De Pere Journal Democrat - Annette Obituary
Google Map - Mount Olivet Cemetery, De Pere, WI
Alvina (BURGAN) Fehn
Robert B. Fehn Family Plot GPS
N43:05.950 W87:55.514 |
N43:05.950 W87:55.514
Google Map - Glen Oaks (Evergreen) Cemetery -Woodlawn Ave.- Lot 81, Block 4
Mapquest - Robert and Alvina resided at 1020 N. 35th St., Milwaukee - 1964-1965 City Directory
Albert Ludwig
Robert Ludwig
Clara Ludwig
Burgan Generations Continue
(click on image to enlarge to full screen size)
Bob and Annette
(née Burgan) Vobora
Monday, September 3, 2012
taken at De Pere, Wisconsin)
Picture submitted by
Annette (née Burgan) Vobora
Great-granddaughter of Anton Leonard Burgan
Earl C. Burgan - Obituary - February 26, 1926 - October 25, 2018