Proft Genealogy
Franz (Frank Sr.) PROFT Family Picture Chart Page
Joyce Margaret Hassel June 13, 1929 - May 15, 2000
Joyce Margarete Hassel lived 70 years, 11 months, 2 days or 25,904 days
Born: Thursday June 13, 1929 in Merrill, Wisconsin
Note: Birth Certificate is incorrect with birthdate of June 12, 1929, date confusion with being born shortly after midnight
Parents: August (b11-14-1900 d1-1954) and Juanita Hassel (Murphy) (b4-7-1904 d3-1984)
Grand Parents: Alexander F. (b7-8-1886 d2-1970) and Anna Ristow (b)
Joyce's 1947 Merrill High School Graduation Picture
Died: Monday May 15, 2000 in Wausau Hospital of congested heart failure; remains cremated.
Married: Walter Leo Proft Saturday May 7, 1949
Siblings: 2 sisters, 1 brother; Lois (Hildebrandt) (b2-9-1928), Charlotte (Vinciguerra) (b3-24-1932) (b) and Roland Hassel (b9-22-1934)
1930 Census Joyce is residing at 601 Washington St. Milwaukee, WI
Mouse hover on a Hassel above for the name.
September 15, 1935 - Mouse hover on a Hassel above for the name.
2008 Lincoln County Teachers College Gathering Picture LCN August 20, 1952
June 1, 1951 Lincoln County Teachers College Graduation Newspaper Article
Below click on the images for full size images of Joyce's sister Charlotte while she was in the WAVES
Vinciguerra Day September 8, 2007 newspaper articles --->
4, 2010 Frank P. Vinciguerra Obituary
Google Map
Salem County Veteran's Cemetery December 30, 2017
Charlotte Vinciguerra Obituary
Google Map
Salem County Veteran's Cemetery April 20, 2017 Lois A Hildebrandt - Obituary June 25, 2012 - Ray Hildebrandt - Obituary Hassel - Miscellaneous Pictures April 26, 2019 - Rolland Hassel - Obituary April 26, 2019 - Rolland Hassel - Obituary pdf Joyce's Bowling Team at the Merrill Gold Arrow Lanes (mousehover for names) Mother of 3 sons and one daughter: Jay Walter Proft, Born: 1949, Married: Jo Ann Wienandt (div) January 17, 1976 Rickey Lee Proft, Born: 1952 Joel John Proft, Born: 1954 Penny Sue Proft, Born: 1962
The Parents
August's brother Peter Jr's family living in Brokaw for the 1930 Census
August's niece, brother Peter Jr's daughter Elthera assigned teaching position | August's niece Elthera's ObitAugust's brother Peter Jr's family drowning accident - Merrill Daily Herald article
August's brother Peter Jr's family drowning accident - Milwaukee Sentinel article
August's brother Peter Jr's family drowning accident - Milwaukee Sentinel search - pictures
Drowning Accident - Milwaukee Journal Article 1 | Drowning Accident - Milwaukee Journal Article 2
Drowning Accident - Milwaukee Journal Article 3 | Drowning Accident - Milwaukee Journal Article 4
Kelly Boy Found - Laverne Still Missing - Milwaukee Journal Article | Milwaukee Journal - Where Peter Jr. was found Continued
nephew Lamar Hassel "Missing In Action" Korean War
| August's
nephew Lamar Hassel Korean War Record Index
brother Peter Jr and nephew Newood's Obits - Milwaukee Sentinel
| August's
sister-in-law Elsie's Obit
brother Carl Hassel's Obit | August's
sister-in-law Elenora Hassel's Obit
| August's
niece Susan Hassel article
brother Walter Hassel accident article and Obit | Walter
brother Fred Hassel Obit | August's
sister-in-law Gertrude Hassel's Obit
sister Elsa's Duranceau Obit | August's
brother-in-law Ralph Duranceau's Obit | August's
nephew Alfred Duranceau's Obit
Fern Clausen Obit (pdf) (Elsa's daughter)
sister Elizabeth Gruetzmacher's Obit Elizabeth's
Headstone | August's
brother-in-law Theodore Gruetzmacher's Obit
sister Margaret Bell's Obit | August's
brother-in-law Marlin Bell's Obit | August's
niece Thelma's Obit
sister Bertha Hanson's Obit |
Santa Maria Cemetery | August's
brother-in-law Alfred M. Hanson's Obit August's
sister Anna Jones Obit | Crown Hill Cemetery - Cut Bank, MT
| August's
brother-law Dr. James Jones Obit August's
sister Johanna Graap's 1930 Census | August's
2nd brother-in-law Henry Nye | August's
nephew Leroy Buzza WWII home furlough | August's
sister Johanna Graap's Obit |
nephew Leroy Buzza died in WWII |
nephew Rinehardt Jr.'s Obit
nephew Lawrence Buzza's Obit |
nephew Walter Ney's Obit | August's
niece Joanna husband Lenhard's Obit
nephew Henry Buzza'a Obit |
niece Rose Marie husband LeRoy Degner's Obit
Peter Hassel Family Photograph (Circa 1913)
Joyce's Uncle "Peter Jr." is 1 year old in this 1900 Census
Joyce's father "August" is 9 years old in this 1910 Census
Joyce's father "August" is 19 years old in this 1920 Census
Peter Hassel Family - Word Format Peter land purchase - June 2, 1904 for $375 - Grantee Volume 63, Page 462 |
Mapquest Link - Margaretha Knouer born in Coburg, Germany Possible Ship to America for Margaretha
The Maternal Ristow Grand Parents
Click on image for large print size image
Google Map Location
Alex Ristow Former Boulder Junction Property Information (.pdf)
30, 1972 Henrich's Club sold to Josigers |
Alex's father - "Friedrich Wilhelm "William" Ristow - "Find a Grave" link
William's parents arrived in New York May 8, 1858 from Bremen, Germany
1900 US Census
Joyce's grandfather "Alex F. Ristow" is 13 years old in this June 27, 1900 Census - Town of Maine - Marathon County,
father William Ristow Obit | Alex's
Stepmother Antonia Ristow Obit
William Ristow's Naturalization Documents ---> 1 2 3 4 5
Alex's brother Hubert Ristow Obit | Alex's brother Hubert Ristow Info
Alex's 1/2 Brother Paul Ristow Death Article
Alex's brother Elgard Ristow Obit | Alex's sister-in-law Ruth Ristow Obit
Alex's brother Conrad Ristow Obit
Alex's brother Daniel Ristow Obit
Alex's brother
Walter Ristow Obit | Alex's
sister-in-law #1 Clara Ristow Obit | Alex's
sister-in-law #2 Bertha Ristow Obit
Walter Ristow's WWI Draft Registration
Alex's brother William Ristow Obit | Alex's sister-in-law Irene's Obit
sister Adeline Ringstad's Minneapolis Tribune Obit | Alex's
sister Adeline and brother-in-law Christian
sister Adeline Ringstad's Paynesville Press Obit
Alex's sister Frieda O'Brien Brainerd Dispatch Obit
Alex's sister Verna Tesch Obit | Alex's brother-in-law Emil Tesch Obit
Alex's brother Alfred Ristow Death Notice | Alex's brother Alfred Ristow Obit | Alex's sister-in-law Olga Ristow Obit
Alex's sister Lydia Soukup Obit | Alex's brother-in-law Matthis Soukup
14th US Census - taken January 6th & 7th, 1920 - Merrill, Wisconsin 6th Ward Joyce's grandfather "Alex Ristow" WWI draft resgistration record Lugerville, WI
Alex's occupation is listed as "Carpenter
Alex Ristow Family living at 1908 W. Main St.