Proft Genealogy
Grandfather Franz (Frank Sr.) PROFT Family Picture Chart Page
Joseph Frank Proft Family Page
Clara Proft January 5, 1895 - November 30, 1965
Point and click on a Proft above for more information
Clara Proft lived for 70 years, 10 months, 25 days or a total of 25,896 days
Born: Saturday - January 5, 1895 in Merrill, Wisconsin
Lincoln County Birth Record Vol 2, Page 33 - #0125 or hand written No. 195 indicates a "- Proft", white female born to Joseph Proft Jan 5- 1895. (Note a "5" was written over a "4" in the year). Joseph's occupation is listed as "Laborer". Mother information is blank. Other persons in household listed as "3 - Children".
Clara is 10 year old during this 1905 Wisconsin Census
As a child Walter would have gone to Merrill's 6th Ward School
1925 Merrill City Directory
Page 139 excerpt containing
misspelling of last name ( l instead of r ).
1955 Antigo City Directory Page 70 Excerpt
1957 Antigo City Directory Page 62 Excerpt
April 14, 1930 Census
Clara and her family were residing at 410 Jackson St. Wausau, Wisconsin (Current Wausau Mall 4th and Jackson location)
Died: Tuesday - November 30, 1965 in Antigo, Wisconsin
The Antigo Daily Journal November 30, 1965
The Antigo Daily Journal December 9, 1965 Buried in Elmwood Cemetery, Block 1, 103E, Space 5 - Antigo, Wisconsin GPS N45:07:489 W089:08.163 Mapquest (Zoom/Aerial-features) Coordinate Map - GPS Seconds converted from decimal and then rounded
Clara married Jacob Hunter Wednesday December 28, 1927 in Wausau, Wisconsin
The Antigo Daily Journal August 25, 1951 Page 1
The Antigo Daily Journal August 27, 1951
Buried in Elmwood Cemetery, Block 1, 103E, Space 5 - Antigo, Wisconsin GPS N45:07:488 W089:08.164
Patrick Rodney HUNTER (b.1928),William Raymond HUNTER (b.1930), James Joseph HUNTER (b.1934),Franklin Harry HUNTER (b.1937)
1955 Antigo City Directory Page 71 Excerpt
1957 Antigo City Directory Page 63 Excerpt
William Raymond Hunter
Location where Bill was struck by the Bennett vehicle
while walking across Superior Street or Highway 45.
Jacob Hunter's First Spouse and Family Clara's Stepson and Wife Buried in Elmwood Cemetery, Block 1, 103W, Space 5
& 6 Antigo, Wisconsin GPS N45:07:488 W089:08.164
November 17, 1930 - November 3, 1986
Antigo Daily News November 4, 1985 Page 1, Column 1
Antigo Daily News November 4, 1985 Page 10, Column 4
Antigo Daily News November 4, 1985 Page 3, Columns
Antigo Daily News November 6, Page 3, Column 1
January 12th & 13th 1920 Census - Jacob was residing in the Town of Texas, Marathon County, Wisconsin with his first wife and children
Virgil Hunter
18, 1910 - January 23, 1993
Antigo Daily Journal Monday January 25, 1993 Page 3, Columns 1
& 2
Antigo Daily Journal June 15, 2000 Page 3 Column 1
Antigo Daily Journal June 17, 2000 Page 3, Column 2
Clara's Stepson
November 15, 1918 - March 6, 1974
Antigo Daily Journal Thursday March 7, 1974 Page 1, Column 1